Friday, April 22, 2011

Week of April 23 - 29

April 23

The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.
     Proverbs 16:9


God has given us great powers to direct and shape our lives. We have been given the gift of choice in how we carry out our days. Our minds are granted great authority to discern our path and direction. But we have also been created to look to God for the things we cannot perceive or understand on our own. When we forget that, we can find ourselves in trouble, floundering and being frightened in a multitude of ways. Because there is a much larger picture we cannot see, we need to allow God to lead us in the ways God knows are best. God often has surprises in store for us that may not be what we imagined or planned, wonderful surprises that are far better and stronger than anything we could imagine. Think today of those times when God had something far better planned for you than you ever could have planned for yourself. When you think about it you’ll be astounded at how many of those times there have been.

I like to think I know best, but, dear God, I cannot even begin to compare to you. So, when I am inclined to do something my way, a way that will not be best for my journey, please show me your better way and help me to embrace it for my own good. Amen.

April 24  

See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are.
     I John 3: 1 a,b


A child of God. That is what every one of us is. We are created in a divine and special image to reflect God’s goodness, grace, wonder and love. God has created us to find joy and to grow to experience the awesome power and glory of eternity. When we suffer, God feels the hurt as well. When we are afraid, God understands our anxiety. When we are overwhelmed, God experiences the burden with us. Through it all God also reaches out to give us comfort, to calm our disquieted hearts and to lift the weight of our distress. When we feel as if this disease is too much for us, as if we don’t have a way out or we can never have better days, God reassures us constantly that we are loved and cherished – and helped and guided – no matter how difficult the day.

Today, O God, I am given greater strength because I know I belong to you. That you have created me and treasure me beyond any words I can express provides incredible comfort. When I am feeling down and questioning how I can go on, it is very reassuring to know you care so much for me. Amen.


April 25

Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed we will be like him, for we will see him as he is.
     I John 3:2


Do you really believe you have been created in the image of God? Do you really accept you are loved unconditionally? Do you really comprehend God wants nothing but wholeness and healing for you? Do you really know God forgives you? Do you really trust God is reaching out with loving, healing arms to strengthen and guide you? On this journey of survival it is deeply important that you do realize all these things. When you understand how precious and vital your life and well-being are in God eyes, you gain a source of power and purpose that is stronger than anything else you can have in your life. Trust in the grace of a God who cherishes and never fails you. Hold onto the promises of this God who is our greatest hope, our healing rock.

Because you made me you know me. You know me as I am. You know just what I need. I don’t even know myself as well as you know who I am. In your intimate understanding, O God, please reach out to show me everything I need. Amen.


April 26

And all who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.
     I John 3:3


When we realize our deep worth to God we gain a new perspective about life and our purpose in it. We appreciate that our mistakes are behind us and forgotten. We recognize that we have been put here to make a difference. We comprehend that we have been blessed with gifts of abundance to nurture and to share. When we understand that God has a divine purpose for us we begin to live in a new and different way. That way has more joy in it, more love, more peace and ultimately more hope. This special knowledge is essential to finding meaning in our cancer and the motivation to survive it. Today, be reassured that your healing is of great value to God. Believe that you deserve to find healing and live as if you are already claiming healing as your own.

I need to know my worth, dear God. Often when I am feeling tired or alone or afraid I forget how precious my life is to you. I need my life to be just as valued by me, too. Amen.


April 27

But take care and watch yourselves closely, so as neither to forget the things that your eyes have seen nor to let them slip from your mind all the days of your life; make them known to your children and your children’s children –
     Deuteronomy 4:9


You are deeply important to God. You are deeply important to this world and the time in which we live. You have been placed here by God to make a positive difference in this world, to make it better through your presence. You have vital work to do - work that expresses love, work that lifts others up, work that introduces others to a higher purpose – work that reflects the grace and goodness of God. You are a blessed person because you are a child of God. The blessings you enjoy and the blessings you share are the true essence of who you are in this life. When you understand how important you are and how much you have to offer to those around you it can bring greater meaning to your life – and greater purpose to your recovery.

When I am reminded of my significance in your plan for the world, O God, I have more purpose and intention on this journey. That’s just what I need when the day is rough. I cherish this reminder of my value and meaning to you. Amen.


April 28

Because the Lord your God is a merciful God, he will neither abandon you nor destroy you; he will not forget the covenant with your ancestors that he swore to them.
     Deuteronomy 4:31


We may easily forget how faithful God is to us. The circumstances of our lives cause our levels of trust to waver wildly from day to day. But as inconsistent as we may be and as volatile as our faith often is, God never turns from us. God will never leave us to make this difficult journey alone. God will never forget who we are, where we are or what we are going through. God created us out of love to experience love in everything we do. God wants us to live life abundantly and joyfully. God wants us to experience blessing and peace. God offers all these things to us. Even when we are inclined to disbelieve or forget, God never leaves us by ourselves to find our way.

Dear God, from the beginning of time your love was made known. Your faithfulness was made clear. When I forget that, I am sorry. But when I remember, I am given greater confidence and hope. Thank you for never giving up on me. Amen.

April 29

For you are a people holy to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on earth to be his people, his treasured possession.
     Deuteronomy 7:6


It’s really impossible to comprehend the depth and passion of God’s love for us. Because it’s so difficult we often cannot even begin to believe it is real. When we’re feeling incredibly threatened and desperately vulnerable because of a disease such as cancer, it’s hard to imagine that we matter. But we are not insignificant. We truly are treasured by God. And because we are treasured we are cared for and protected no matter what is going on around us or within us. We are deeply prized, valued and cherished by God. We are God’s finest and most profound creations. Made in God’s awe-inspiring image, we are intimately connected to all that is divine and eternal. There is nothing more precious to God than what God has made in human form.

When I am enfolded in the knowledge of your loving embrace, I am given peace and reassurance that I am not in this challenge alone. It helps so much to realize you care for me beyond words. Thank you, O Lord. Amen.

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