Friday, June 10, 2011

Week of June 11 - 17

June 11
With the Lord on my side I do not fear. What can mortals do to me?
     Psalm 118:6

When we feel all alone in our distress, knowing that no one else can truly understand, we can be reminded that God does understand. God is on our side – the side of release, the side of renewal, the side of restoration. When loneliness sets in and hope is hard to find, we need to remember the one who never leaves us, the one who only wants what is good for us in every way.
When I am reminded of your constant presence in my life and of your never-failing love, my fears begin to melt away, O God. I need that reminder over and over. Help me to hear it, to hear your constant, soothing voice. Amen.

June 12
But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.
     2 Peter 3:8

The good days fly by too fast. The bad days linger far too long. Time is difficult to understand. Why do the wonderful moments seem so fleeting? Why do the horrible ones endure seemingly endlessly? The promise to us is that one day we will understand the turning of time, the meaning of our days. Until we fully do our comfort comes in knowing that God has ordered the time and knows the time we need to live out the purpose of our days. Even if we do not fully understand the times we experience, we can know that God does. That assurance can sustain us today.
I cannot turn back time, O God, but I can trust that the time you give me is what I need to live fully for you. Help me to use this time well today. Amen.

June 13
Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show mercy to you.
     Isaiah 30:18a

When we feel as if we are somehow being punished with this disease we have, we need to hear these words of mercy about God. God is gracious. God is patient. God is understanding. God is good. The scriptures are full of these assurances of God’s loving, compassionate concern. Look to these words when you need to hear them the most.
I forget about your constant care for me, O Lord. I forget it and then feel sorry for myself all too often. Today I will recall your graciousness and find a new attitude for this journey. Amen.

June 14
May grace and peace be yours in abundance.
     1 Peter 1:2b

God created us for a life of abundance – an abundance of joy, an abundance of love, an abundance of hope, an abundance of peace. Where does your life lack those blessings of abundance today? What is causing you to be without those blessings today? What must you do to gain those blessings today? We must not throw away the opportunity to experience all the abundance God has in store for us. Choose – today – to reclaim this abundance in everything you do.
Too often I go through my days failing to live abundantly in you, dear God. Today, I ask for it to be different. Today, I ask for your guidance to live a better, more wonderful way. Amen.

June 15
They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
     Isaiah 2:4c

Learning to stop fighting the negative and learning to start creating the good is essential to the cancer journey. We gain little by always being in battle against something. We gain much more by being for positive things – integrity, authenticity, peace of spirit and of mind, wellness and joy. When we choose to approach cancer – and life – in this way, the difference in our attitude and outlook will be remarkably refreshing.
When I approach life, O God, with an attitude that seeks to create goodness and wellness, I know I can be amazed at the results. Help me to do that beginning today. Amen.

June 16

But ask in faith, never doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.
     James 1:6

Our worst enemy can be our doubting natures. We so often get tangled up in fears, what ifs and speculation about what bad things might happen that we miss too much of what is happening that is good. It’s a constant struggle to control our doubts. But we need to work hard at confronting them, understanding them, working to move in action beyond them and then setting them aside. We do not need them burdening us today.
My faith at times is utterly slight, O God. I appeal to you to help me strengthen my trust and assurance in you. I need you to help me move beyond my fears. Amen.

June 17

Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees.
     Isaiah 35:3

The sense of vulnerability and instability that pours over us when cancer enters our lives is fearfully strong. Our invincibility is threatened. Our mortality is painfully driven home to us. Isaiah’s words convey an understanding of human frailty. But they also convey an understanding of God’s power to help us overcome our weakness and of God’s compassion in wanting us to find strength and renewal continually.
I’m feeling weak and feeble today, dear God. Many days are like that. Yet I pray for each hour to grow better. I pray to feel stronger and more vital in your care throughout this day. Amen.

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