Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week of November 19 - 25

November 19
Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there
was light.
     Genesis 1:3

God does not desire for us to live in fear or
uncertainty. Cancer can surely cause us to fall into
the depths of darkness and despair. But God’s will
for us is to shine a light on our path, illuminating
our way. With God we do not have to stumble or
wander aimlessly, not knowing in which direction to
go. With God we are given hope and the grace to
find our way with resolve and confidence. With God
we can meet each day, each challenge and each
detour with the assurance that we are never alone
and are always given a light to guide us to where
we need to be.

When darkness overtakes me, O Lord, I call to you for help
and reassurance. Shine your warming, redirecting light as
a beacon for my way. Amen.

November 20
And I will grant peace in the land, and you shall
lie down, and no one shall make you afraid; I
will remove dangerous animals from the land,
and no sword shall go through your land.
     Leviticus 26:6

Throughout the scriptures it is repeated again
and again – God desires to save us from the
destructive, dangerous and difficult forces within
and around us. God’s only desire is for us to find
peace, to reside without fear, to protect us from
harm and to keep us from division. When disease
threatens us with pain and peril, we need to
remember God’s promises. God wants neither for
us to suffer nor for us to live in hopelessness and
despair. God plans only for our well-being and our
relief. Claim those promises today. Live believing
they are for you.

O God our help in ages past and our hope in days to come,
I place my life in your hands, trusting in your overwhelming
love to carry me through. Amen.

November 21
“Whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will
     Matthew 21:22

If we want something to work for us the first and
most essential step is to believe it will work. If we
believe that establishing a connection with God
through prayer can give us strength, guidance
and vision, it surely will. As we put our trust in
the power of God to show us a better way, we will
surely find a better way to face the challenges that
confront us. Connecting with the power of eternity
that God gives us helps us profoundly to see
answers we could never see on our own. Believing
that God has only the best in mind for us will
encourage and energize us beyond imagination.
Putting our trust in a divine authority will enable us
to discover renewed hope for each new day.

In confidence I reach out to you, Lord, to show me the
direction you want me to go. I know you want only the
best for my life. I look to you in faith today to help me
understand what all that means for me. Amen.

November 22
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life,
what you will eat or what you will drink, or about
your body, what you will wear. Is not life more
than food, and the body more than clothing?
     Matthew 6:25

There are at least two very important lessons here.
The first is that worry does us no good. Worry
indicates a lack of trust in God’s care for us and a
lack of confidence in our own ability to create an
atmosphere of healing. The second is that to create
an atmosphere of healing we need to be aware of
more than just our physical condition. Survivors
understand that all the aspects of our nature –
mental, emotional, spiritual, as well - must align
together to produce the conditions for strength to
build, for energy to return and for health to restore.
We cannot find authentic healing without that
integration. God has created us that way.

In my darker moments I allow my fears to get the best of
me. When I do, O God, I realize I need to regain my trust in
myself and in you. Help me to use all the gifts you’ve given
me to heal. Amen.

November 23
Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow
nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of
more value than they?
       Matthew 6:26

Realizing our significance in God’s eyes is an
important part of creating the best conditions for
healing. Understanding our valued place in God’s
kingdom is one of the most vital gifts we can give
ourselves. Knowing how much God wants us
to believe we are created in a divine image can
change our outlooks in many positive ways. When
we comprehend how much God loves us and wants
to help us, our lives are renewed and transformed.
We are changed for the better when we believe
inherently that God cares for us deeply and that
God’s only will is for us to have only the best of life
and love.

My value in your eyes is ultimately impossible for me to
understand, dear Lord. The love you have for me is far
more deep and strong than I can ever know. But as I grow
more aware, I thank you for the way it gives me hope and
new life. Amen.

November 24
But if God so clothes the grass of the field,
which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown
into the oven, will he not much more clothe you
– you of little faith?
     Matthew 6:30

The scriptures remind us that we are God’s most
intricate and loved creations. We are even more
special and beautiful in God’s mind than all the
majestic mountains, all the vast seas, all the
splendid vistas and all the galaxies of the heavens.
The wonder of creation is incredibly complex. Yet
we are even more wonderful in the eyes of God.
So why do we forget? Why do we worry and
panic over what could come? Why do we lose
today’s promise over what we fear might happen
tomorrow? We forget God’s deeply expressed
grace and love. Remember - God doesn’t forget
us. God doesn’t abandon us. God is working to
give us all the help and guidance we need. Always.

Faithful God, I’m sorry when I don’t remember your help for
me yesterday or your promise for me tomorrow, much less
your blessings for me right now, today. But I want today to
be different. I need the faith to know you care. Amen.

November 25
O Lord, heal me, for my bones are shaking with
     Psalm 6:2b

There are days when we have to admit we are
unbearably afraid. Deep down in our souls we feel
utterly alone, agonizingly uncertain and frighteningly
ready to give up. On those days, when we have
nothing else left, we need to cry out to God. We
need to pour out our fears openly and completely.
God understands. God cares how we feel. When
no other voice will calm us, when no other touch
will comfort us, God’s love for us is the one thing
strong enough to lift us from our despair. This love
is the best gift we have to get through our darkest
moments. It will never abandon us.

I can’t even begin to express what I’m going through some
days. O God, even when I don’t know how to say how
afraid I feel I am so grateful I can just call to you. You know
just what I need. You know just what I feel. You know me
better than I know myself. Amen.

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