Friday, October 26, 2012

Week of October 27 - November 2

October 27

…but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.
     Matthew 6:20

What really does matter in this life? What are the “treasures in heaven” God is offering to you? What are the eternal wonders that cannot be taken from you by disease, difficulty or the incredible dilemmas of this life? Think about what satisfies you deep down in your soul. What are the feelings that give you immense joy and contentment? What are the moments that you don’t want to end? Who are the people who bring you intense warmth and grace? What are the connections you make that fill you with satisfaction and peace of mind? Those are your treasures. Hold on to them. Be grateful for them. Cherish them.

I am grateful, O God, for the things and relationships that satisfy my soul. Many times I don’t appreciate them enough. But I know they are what you want me to savor and enjoy. Today I will. Amen.

October 28

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
     Matthew 6:21

What is most important to you? Where do you spend most of your time? What do you wish for most? Where do you give most of your effort? Think about these things. What is your life about? Is the legacy you are leaving one you are proud of? Can you look at your life’s direction with joy and pride? Do you think you are the person God created you to be? In your heart, do you know and see in yourself a blessed reflection of God’s goodness and grace? What is your treasure and how has cancer compelled you to examine your life to focus your life on the things that really matter?

Gracious God, generous God, I look at myself and there are some things I love. There are also some things I need to change. Help me today to discern how my priorities can be more in touch with you. Amen.

October 29

I lie down and sleep; I wake again, for the Lord sustains me.
     Psalm 3:5

Each new day of life is a precious gift from God. Most of us know that in our minds. But we don’t always live and react like we do. Many cancer survivors reflect on the fragileness and uncertain pathways of life. They realize that each breath we take and each step we make are granted to us by a loving, caring creator, a creator who wants us to find goodness and joy in each of them. Never forget that God has given you a special and wondrous gift with this day. Always know that God is with you to sustain you and to share blessings with you in every moment you have on this earth.

When my eyes open each new morning, I am reminded that the day is a gracious gift from you. I pray to use this gift gratefully and joyfully for you, O God. Amen.

October 30

Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing;…
     Psalm 6:2a

Understanding is something all of us need on this journey with cancer. We need to understand just what is happening to us. We need others to understand what is happening to us too. And we need to understand how God is working to see us through this uncertain and difficult time. There are times when we’re tired, worn down, afraid, confused, angry and feeling all alone. There is so much we don’t know. And all we ask is for patience in our doubt, grace in our weakness and encouragement in our struggles.

When I don’t live up to my own hopes and expectations and when I have a hard time forgiving myself, I know you offer grace to me, O God. Thank you for being more understanding of me than I am to myself. I pray that others can understand me a little better too. I need that today. Amen.

October 31

His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise.
     Habakkuk 3:2c,d

If God is the author of love, peace and grace, all the wonderful gifts that bring blessings and meaning to our lives, then we need to be reminded of that. We need to be open in every way to seeing and experiencing the glories and wonders of God’s creation. On this journey with cancer we especially need to feel the splendor of God’s goodness toward us. In understanding God’s generous gifts, we can begin to claim authentic healing of our spirits, bodies and minds.

Let me see the amazing glory of this life you have given to me, O Lord. Let me know the joy of your creation today. In that I can experience your power and promise. Amen.

November 1

I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth,…
     Ephesians 3:18

The saints who have gone before us are not called “saints” because they were perfect people. No, they are deemed saints even with their imperfections. As we look closely at their lives we see people who have been afraid, selfish, weak, complicated and sometimes wrong. They have been much like all of us. But they are called saints because even though they were imperfect, they placed their lives in the care of a loving God in spite of their fears and vulnerabilities. Even when they lived with doubt, they still reached out to live with God in hope of God’s deliverance and help. In doing so they found wonder and eternity. So can we.

I have a lot of uncertainties, dear God, and there are days when I just don’t know what is real and what is not. I pray to you that I may come to see and understand your promises and your plan for me. Amen.

November 2

For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil will not sojourn with you.
     Psalm 5:4

If we ever think that God wants us to have cancer, to suffer or to be in pain, we are wrong. God is a God of healing, of comfort, of wholeness and of restoration. The scriptures continually remind us of God’s desire to have us experience the peace that passes understanding. God is not the author of evil, but the author of goodness. God does not want us to be resigned to evil, but to rise above evil in every way. Be confident today that God wants only your healing to be realized – in whatever ways you need healing the most. This present suffering is only temporary. But God’s healing is eternal.

On my bad days I struggle to believe that there are answers to help me rise above my fear and pain. But I want this to be a better day and I pray, O God, for the confidence to remember that you only want the very best for me. Amen.

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