Friday, December 16, 2011

Week of December 16 - 23

December 17

Your gates shall always be open; day and night they shall not be shut …
     Isaiah 60:11

Long ago, there were those who instinctively understood that God never abandons or forgets about us. Long ago, wise and faithful people grasped that God is always attentive and always listens to our needs. Long ago, they spoke about God’s tireless faithfulness and endless patience with our disbelief. Long ago they wrote these words so that all of us today could be reminded, when we are apt that to forget, that we are never kept at a distance from God, that God always has our lives and needs intimately at hand. When we are inclined to question and doubt if God really cares, these words serve to call us back to the One who is always here even when we are uncertain.

I know that I close my eyes and ears and mind and heart to you, too often, O God. I know that it does me no good when I do. Today I strive to live more confidently in your help and in your grace. Amen. 

December 18

…"What is impossible for mortals is possible for God."
     Luke 18:27

In our humanness we give up all too easily. With our limited understandings and our finite vision we fail to see what God can see. Our shortsightedness causes us to give in to despair, to settle for flawed reasoning and to chase after uncertain answers. It causes us too often to devise our own solutions without waiting for God to show us a better way. Cancer is a frightening thing for all of us. For many of us it pushes us to think there is no hope, no way out, no good ending. But that is impossibility thinking. God is able to show us more. God’s possibilities can get us thinking with greater hope and broader perspectives. Remember that God opens us up to so much more than anything we can think of on our own.

God of limitless understandings, show me today a broader glimpse of your vision for my journey. When I try to look ahead on my own I can quickly get discouraged. But I know you will help me to see beyond my present troubles to a better day. Amen. 

December 19

O that you would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would quake at your presence - …
     Isaiah 64:1

Why doesn’t God just enter this world of disease and distress and clean it all up for us? Why can’t God just assert divine power and take care of the problems and poverty of spirit we have? Why won’t God just declare enough is enough and put an end to all our suffering and pain? Why? The litany could go on and on. Where is God in this world of despair and disappointment? We often look for the dramatic event, the earth shattering blow that will change it all in an instant. But God usually works more quietly, more subtlety … and more constantly … than that. When we actually stop to look at what God is doing, we will see that God is already with us, shaking the foundations of the earth with healing and power and hope.

You are a constant presence in times of trouble, dear Lord, acting without fail to give us all that we need. Help me to look not just for the big, spectacular event, but also for the continuous healing you are offering every moment of every day. Amen.

December 20

Let anyone with ears listen!
     Matthew 11:15

Listening is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. We need to: listen to our bodies - it can speak volumes about what we need;
listen to our minds - it will help us to sort out the issues and areas where we need clarity and direction;
listen to our hearts - it will reveal feelings and hopes that can guide us in the directions we need to go.
above all, listen to our spirits - it contains the voice of God who is whispering words of love and peace to encourage us endlessly.
The way to finding authentic healing requires a willingness to listen – and then to respond to all we hear.

I find it incredibly hard at times to listen to myself and even harder to know when you are speaking to me, dear God. But in this season of darkness, I need to listen more than ever before. Help me to have the discipline to listen to everything I need to hear. Amen. 

December 21

Say to those who are of a fearful heart, "Be strong and do not fear!...
     Isaiah 35:4a

It’s easy to feel strong when things are going our way. It’s easy to be confident when there is little to threaten or challenge us. But when we hear the words - It’s cancer - fear can suddenly debilitate us and strength can immediately abandon us. Then our hearts can lose hope and our lives are turned upside down. Yet we are encouraged to remember that God knows infinitely more than we do. God sees more than we can see. God understands more than we can ever comprehend. We are reassured that a bigger picture, a larger plan, is at work. And God is in charge. So if God is in charge, and God loves us, God will work through us to give us everything we need.

Fear gets in my way so much of the time. It paralyzes me, dear God, and throws too much uncertainty my way. I need to be confident. I need to be strong. I know you are helping me to be those things and I thank you. Amen. 

December 22

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped;
     Isaiah 35:5

There are days when we wonder if we will ever understand what is happening to us. There are times when we have serious doubts about whether or not we will ever really know when God is speaking to us and showing us the direction we need to go. As we go through our lives, and especially our lives with cancer, we often have more doubts and uncertain moments than we can number. Yet today we are reminded that our uncertainty shall not last. Today we are promised that our doubting will not linger. Today we can know that we will have the ability to see all we need to perceive and hear all we need to regard. Today we must trust that in God’s time it will happen.

My patience is usually not strong enough to wait, O God. I don’t listen as I should. I don’t see as I could. So today, help me to remember that you promise to show me and tell me all I will need. Amen.

December 23

…they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
     Isaiah 35:10c

There will come a day when all the fear and worry and anxiety can be put behind us. On that day, we are promised, we will experience wonderful elation and tremendous delight. On that day we will no longer posses a mournful spirit or a groaning, weary heart. What a day that will be. So why can’t that day start today? Well, it can. Right now, today, even as we live with disease, we can still experience joy – a feeling of well-being no matter what is going on around us. We can be glad - finding gratitude and goodness even as bad things confront us. We do not have to allow sadness and heartache to linger. Today we can act to change our outlook and our reactions. Today our world can be better simply because we resolve it to be.

Today, gracious Lord, my attitudes and my understandings will change. Today, with your help, I will modify the way I view my circumstances and things will begin to be more positive and hopeful. Amen.

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